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How to be the best at Cubefield

Now, the main reason why I love this game is that a lot of people say that this game can improve your mind, memory, thinking ability, etc. I honestly belong to those people who believe that flash games (and games in general) can benefit you very much, they can improve your mind, they can help you to forget about your problems, they can help you to deal with stress and it is also very entertaining to play your favorite game when you have free time. This is why I brought your attention to the Cubefield, game is easy to play, it is free, it is good for your brains and it is also fun!
Now that we know what makes this online game so popular and interesting, we can talk about main objective and how to succeed in it. Main idea of the game is to dodge cubes which will appear in front of you, sometimes they appear out of nowhere and in this case you will need a good reaction, don’t worry if you are slow at reacting, remember this game improves your abilities so after playing it for a while you will notice that your reaction is becoming better.
Like in other games first few levels are very easy, but soon you will notice that speed of the game starts to increase and this is where Cubefield becomes truly interesting. Sometimes you will even feel a little bit scared, but this part of the game is what makes it so special and enjoyable.
Game also features score option, try to collect as much points as it is possible and see how good your friends are at this game, you may challenge your family members as well.
And finally let me tell you about controls of the game:
- Use left and right arrow keys in order to dodge flying cubes.
- Press P button to pause the game.
- Q button allows you to change quality of the game.
With that being said I just want to wish you good luck and I hope you will get the highest score in the game, HAVE FUN.
Why I adore World Of Warcraft – positive sides and interesting moments

So about number one computer game on the planet Earth – World Of Warcraft (or just WoW), game is amazing, interesting to play, very beautiful graphics, very interesting story (there is going to be a movie about this game pretty soon), fascinating quests, well developed leveling system, attractive characters and gear, different classes (casters, warriors, archers, etc.), different professions, tons of mounts and pets, dungeons are wonderful as well, bosses are hard to kill and require proper strategy to defeat them.
There are so many other interesting aspects as well in this game, it will take a long time to list all of them here, for example system of achievements, amazing architecture of different cities and many more.
WoW is one of the oldest games as well which gets updates very often, in fact sometimes there are huge updates, new patches with whole new maps, classes, dungeons, bosses, etc. The latest patch at the moment is Warlords of Draenor. This new patch is EPIC!
This games features many different possibilities, for example, you can focus only on bosses and dungeons, this kind of game is called PVE, it may also include completing quests, gaining reputation with different clans and getting decent gear with your reputation. On the other hand, you can play vs other players, this type of game is called PvP, usually, people get special gear for such case which has tons of resilience. It is also important to remember that PVE and PvP need completely different glyphs, completely different equipment, and completely different talent build.
If you prefer PVE you can use dungeon finder system, with other players you can defeat bosses in 10 players mode or 25 players mode, game also has heroic mode, now this mode is extremely different and in order to succeed in this mode, you will have to earn some decent gear and you will need experienced team which knows what to do on the different stages of the fight.
PvP is all about your gaming skills, for example person who plays well can defeat person which has better gear, but less skill. In PvP battlegrounds there are different objectives which you need to complete, in the most cases it includes destroying enemy towers or controlling flags, PvP same way as PVE is very interesting and entertaining. WoW never gets boring, it has always something new to offer you.
Except those mods which I have mentioned earlier game has different events as well, events usually allow you to get some fancy clothes, mounts, tabards, achievements and many more. Events are very interesting part of the game, my favorite event is Darkmoon Faire.
You know it is really hard to talk about all positive sides of the game, main reasons for that is that game is very huge, game is like whole new different world, it has its own rules, its own races, its own cities, its own nature (about nature you must check following area – Outland, this area is so beautiful and amazing), etc. In other words this is number one game on the planet Earth!
P.S. Another important thing to mention is that in the game there are different legendary weapons which are extremely hard to find, they have huge stats and except that they look amazing, models of legendary weapons has always been outstanding. In order to get these legendary weapons you will have to finish hardest dungeons on the heroic difficulty which is pretty hard and few players get these weapons.